documentation.txt 603 B

  1. For a while, cummulative updates were here without a naming convention, just piling.
  2. During the Kamael release we collected them all in a single file (see deprecated).
  3. Any cummulative SQL update from now on, should be named like that:
  4. YYYYMMDDupdate(_s).sql
  5. For example, if only one update is done in a single day, let's say on January 1, 2008, then the
  6. file shall be named:
  7. 20080101update.sql
  8. However, if a more than one updates are all done on the same day, a sequence number will be added:
  9. 20080101update.sql
  10. 20080101update_1.sql
  11. 20080101update_2.sql
  12. 20080101update_3.sql
  13. etc...