UnAfraid 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
001.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
002.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
003.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
009.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
1000.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
1001.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
1002.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
1003.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
1004.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
1005.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
101.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
102.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
1235.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
300900001.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
300974001.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
300984001.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
300984002.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
301660373.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
305986001.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
305986002.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
306781001.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
306893001.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
306893002.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
306893003.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
308461001.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
310922001.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
310922002.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
311132501.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
311262501.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
311262502.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
311262503.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
311262504.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
311262505.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
311262506.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
311262507.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
311262508.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
311262509.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
311262510.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
311262511.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
311262512.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
313750001.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
313750002.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
313750003.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
313820001.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
313820002.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
313820003.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
313880001.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
31522.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
317325001.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
317325002.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
317325003.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
317606001.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
317606002.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
317606003.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
317606004.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
317885009.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
317925010.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
317975011.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
318055002.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
318145003.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
318195007.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
318235006.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
318275004.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
318335008.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
318375005.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
319463001.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
320540001.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
320825001.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
320825002.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
32323001.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
3361.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
3362.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
3363.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
350980001.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
350980002.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
350980003.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
350980004.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
350980005.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
350980006.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
350980007.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
350980008.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
350980009.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
350980012.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
356551001.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
356551002.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
356551003.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
36142001.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
382.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
426.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
500.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
6281.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
6282.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
648.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
7834.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
7897.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
999.xml 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
documentation.txt 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu
readme.txt 0a223c8eed Reorganizing branch 10 lat temu


Given the fact that no convention is widely adopted for the naming of these files yet,
I decided to keep a list of what each file is meant to be, to improve the usability
of this directory a little bit.

001.xml -> Non-grade items exchange, just for education
002.xml -> Teleporter scrolls
003.xml -> Newbie exchange
009.xml -> Proof of Catching a Fish

101.xml -> Tickets for pet collars Exchange
102.xml -> Noblesse Gate Pass for items
382.xml -> Quest 382: Head Blacksmith Vergara
426.xml -> Quest 426: Fishing Shots
500.xml -> Seven Signs - Purchase consumable items
648.xml -> Quest 648: An Ice Merchants Dream

999.xml -> Upgrade hatchling to strider equipment
1000.xml -> Upgrade pet equipment

1001.xml -> Dual Swords up to C-grade
1002.xml -> Unseal B-grade gloves or boots
1003.xml -> Reseal B-grade gloves or boots
1004.xml -> Blacksmith crafting service
1005.xml -> Blacksmith Special Abilities bestowing service

1235.xml -> Apella shop

3361.xml -> Quest 336: Coins of Magic, Rewards level 1
3362.xml -> Quest 336: Coins of Magic, Rewards level 2
3363.xml -> Quest 336: Coins of Magic, Rewards level 3

6281.xml -> Swamp of Screams: Abercrombie, first list
6282.xml -> Swamp of Screams: Abercrombie, second list

7834.xml -> Quest 343: Under The Shadow Of The Ivory Tower, exchange Orbs
7897.xml -> Quest 351: BlackSwan, exchange Bills

31522.xml -> Quest 632: Necromancers Request

301660373.xml -> Quest 373: Supplier of Reagents - Wesley
313880001.xml -> Quest 633: In The Forgotten Village - Exchange Livers
320540001.xml -> Quest 650: A Broken Dream

310820001.xml -> Varka alliance - Lv1
310820002.xml -> Varka alliance - Lv2
310820003.xml -> Varka alliance - Lv3
313750001.xml -> Ketra alliance - Lv1
313750002.xml -> Ketra alliance - Lv2
313750003.xml -> Ketra alliance - Lv3

306781001.xml -> Dual swords: Helton, require dualsword craft stamp
308461001.xml -> Dual swords: Wilbert, doesn't require dualsword craft stamp

310922001.xml -> Seven Signs - Black Marketeer of Mammon - SA Removal for AA
310922002.xml -> Seven Signs - Black Marketeer of Mammon - Black Market Items
311132501.xml -> Seven Signs - Merchant of Mammon - Buy Etc Items
311262501.xml -> Seven Signs - Blacksmith of Mammon - SA: S-Grade
311262502.xml -> Seven Signs - Blacksmith of Mammon - A-grade duals
311262503.xml -> Seven Signs - Blacksmith of Mammon - Duals S-Grade.
311262504.xml -> Seven Signs - Blacksmith of Mammon - Unseal S-Grade Armor.
311262505.xml -> Seven Signs - Blacksmith of Mammon - Unseal S-grade Accesories
311262506.xml -> Seven Signs - Blacksmith of Mammon - Unseal A-Grade Armor
311262507.xml -> Seven Signs - Blacksmith of Mammon - Unseal A-grade Accesories
311262508.xml -> Seven Signs - Blacksmith of Mammon - Reseal A-grade Armor
311262509.xml -> Seven Signs - Blacksmith of Mammon - SA removal
311262510.xml -> Seven Signs - Blacksmith of Mammon - SA: A-grade
311262511.xml -> Seven Signs - Blacksmith of Mammon - Weapon Upgrade
311262512.xml -> Seven Signs - Blacksmith of Mammon - Weapon Exchange

306893001.xml -> Shadow weaponry system. D-grade coupons exchange
306893002.xml -> Shadow weaponry system. C-grade coupons exchange
306893003.xml -> Shadow weaponry system. D/C-grade coupons exchange
319463001.xml -> Shadow weaponry system. Adena exchange

300974001.xml -> Prestigious Items Hall: Galladucci (weapons)
300984001.xml -> Prestigious Items Hall: Alexandria (armors)
300984002.xml -> Prestigious Items Hall: Alexandria (misc)

317325001.xml -> Adventure Guildsman: Use Life Crystal Schuttgart
317325002.xml -> Adventure Guildsman: Adventurer's Box
317325003.xml -> Adventure Guildsman: Exchange Life Crystals
318055002.xml -> Adventure Guildsman: Use Life Crystal Giran
318145003.xml -> Adventure Guildsman: Use Life Crystal Oren
318275004.xml -> Adventure Guildsman: Use Life Crystal Aden
318375005.xml -> Adventure Guildsman: Use Life Crystal Goddard
318235006.xml -> Adventure Guildsman: Use Life Crystal Hunters Village
318195007.xml -> Adventure Guildsman: Use Life Crystal Heine
318335008.xml -> Adventure Guildsman: Use Life Crystal Rune
317885009.xml -> Adventure Guildsman: Use Life Crystal Gludin
317925010.xml -> Adventure Guildsman: Use Life Crystal Gludio
317975011.xml -> Adventure Guildsman: Use Life Crystal Dion
320825001.xml -> Adventure Guildsman: Use Life Crystal for A weapons
320825002.xml -> Adventure Guildsman: Use Life Crystal for A armors

305986001.xml -> Hellbound's Newbie Shadow Weapon Coupons
305986002.xml -> Hellbound's Newbie Shadow Armor Coupons

317606001.xml -> Adventurers' Guide Miss Queen: Give Newbie Coupon
317606002.xml -> Adventurers' Guide Miss Queen: Return Newbie Coupon
317606003.xml -> Adventurers' Guide Miss Queen: Give Traveler Coupon
317606004.xml -> Adventurers' Guide Miss Queen: Return Traveler Coupon

300900001.xml -> Talismans

350980001.xml -> Manor Products: Gludio
350980002.xml -> Manor Products: Dion
350980003.xml -> Manor Products: Giran
350980004.xml -> Manor Products: Oren
350980005.xml -> Manor Products: Aden
350980006.xml -> Manor Products: Innadril
350980007.xml -> Manor Products: Goddard
350980008.xml -> Manor Products: Rune
350980009.xml -> Manor Products: Schuttgart

350980012.xml -> BlackSmith Lahm

36142001.xml -> Dragonspine fortress buylist